Tips for Optimizing Your AC in Scorching Climates

You don’t need to set your thermostat to the lowest possible temperature to stay cool. Aim for a comfortable setting, typically between 75F and 78F. Every degree you raise the thermostat above 72F can save you up to 3% on your cooling costs. View here for more info on this product.

To save power, turn up the thermostat by a few degrees while you’re away. By generating a breeze, ceiling fans can enhance the coolness of a room, enabling you to increase the thermostat setting slightly while staying comfortable. Keep in mind that fans cool individuals, not spaces, so switch them off when exiting the room to conserve energy.

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your AC running efficiently. The air filter should be cleaned or changed every couple of months, especially when the AC is used frequently. Clogged filters limit airflow, forcing the AC to operate less efficiently and consume more power. This page has all the info you need.

Book an annual maintenance appointment with a professional to verify refrigerant levels, clean the coils, and ensure the unit is in top shape. Leaks in walls, gaps, and inadequate insulation can let cool air escape, causing the AC to overwork. Check windows, doors, and ducts for leaks, and use weatherstripping or caulk to seal them.

Proper insulation in your attic and walls can also help keep cool air inside, reducing the load on your AC. Sunlight entering through windows can dramatically increase indoor temperatures. Draw curtains, blinds, or shades during peak sunlight hours to prevent the sun from heating your home.

Blackout curtains or reflective window film can be effective in further reducing heat buildup. Heat-producing activities like cooking, dishwashing, or laundry can force your AC to work more intensely. Try to schedule these tasks for early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler.

Opting for a microwave or outdoor grill over the oven can lower indoor temperatures. With a programmable or smart thermostat, you can create a cooling schedule aligned with your daily activities. You can program it to lower the temperature before you arrive home and raise it when you’re away. Just click here and check it out!

Advanced smart thermostats can recognize your patterns and modify settings on their own to maximize efficiency. Ensure that furniture, rugs, or curtains aren’t blocking air vents. Obstructed vents limit airflow, decreasing the efficiency of your AC.

Keep all vents open, even in unused rooms, to maintain proper air circulation throughout your home. Adhering to these suggestions can help you maintain a cool and comfortable home while avoiding excessive AC use and high costs. Using your AC efficiently conserves energy and contributes to environmental protection by lowering your carbon footprint.